Parent Advocate & Educational Consultant

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Transition Workshop in Western MA.!!

Turning 14

An Introduction to the Transition Planning Process; A Workshop for Parents and Professionals

In Massachusetts Transition planning must begin at age 14 and continue throughout the high school years as students prepare to journey into a full and inclusive adult life. Coordinated and continuous transition preparation promotes better post school outcomes for students with disabilities.

This introductory Transition workshop will address:
. Development of self-advocacy and self-determination skills to support the student's vision.
. How Transition Assessments identify students' strengths and interests as well as areas of academic and functional skill development needed to support Transition goals.
. How the Transition Planning Form guides the conversation to develop Transition goals which lead to meaningful opportunities in education, training, employment and independent living.

Hosted by: FCSN

Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Location: Family Empowerment at
The Inclusive Community Center
41 Russell Street
Hadley, MA 01035

Time: 6:30-8:30 pm

Contact Person: Donna Kushi 413-585-8010 x 104 or to register

Any questions regarding this workshop should be directed to the host/contact individual listed above. A presenter from the Federation for Children with Special Needs will conduct this workshop.

The Federation for Children with Special Needs, Schrafft Center, 529 Main
Street, Suite 1102, Boston, MA 02129
617-236-7210 or 800-331-0688, ext. 0 or

The Federation for Children with Special Needs, supported in part by grant #H328M040001 from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and the Massachusetts Department of Education.