I just received the information below from Cathy Boyle of the Federation for Children with Special Needs. This is very exciting news for our adult family members with disabilities! Check out the fact sheet link for more information.
S. 708, the accessory apartment loan bill, just passed through the Joint Committee on Housing and is on its way to Senate Ways and Means!!! This is huge, folks!!! If this bill goes all the way, it will help middle class families develop independent living options for their adult family members with disabilities.
To learn more about how your family might benefit if this bill passes, check out AHP's fact sheet on accessory apartments: http://autismhousingpathways. net/wp-content/uploads/2015/ 07/Accessory-Apartments.pdf .
Thank you to Sen. Barbara L'Italien, Sen. Jason Lewis, Rep. Michael Day, Erin S. Riley, Maura Sullivan and everyone else at The Arc (Leo Sarkissian, Charlie Fiske), AFAM (Michael J Borr, Christine Hubbard, Karen Mariscal), and all the families who wrote or came out to testify!!!
Let's keep pushing forward!
Cathy Boyle
fcsntransition @yahoogroups.com
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