I love being reminded that cooperation and "team effort" can really work. This past week a client & I met with the ETL for her son's team. The parents had rejected the IEP in part because the goals &/or objectives were vague & not measurable. The ETL was very generous with her time, giving us 90 minutes and never making us feel like she needed to be elsewhere. Rather, she listened to our concerns and suggestions for improving the current goals & objectives. When we left, we had a much clearer picture of what this student would be working on this year.
A few suggestions:
*When you have concerns with a proposed IEP, DO NOT reject the entire IEP.
Reject parts of the IEP. Remember, you can reject what is missing from the
*When you reject part of the IEP, put in writing what you are rejecting & attach it
to the rejected IEP. Include as much detail as you can, for example:
p. 6 PLEP B: we need to check assistive tech devices/services, & travel
p. 9 Goal 1: Communication: "Susie will improve her communication skills" is
vague & unmeasurable. (If you have a suggestion for the goal, write it in.)
*Before rejecting the IEP in part, you can call the ETL and inform him/her of
your concerns. He/she may be able to make the changes and send you a new
proposed IEP within a day or 2 for you to sign. This step prevents delays in
implementing the IEP. If the ETL is unable to make the changes, then reject
the IEP in part and attach a description of what you want changed/included &
request a meeting to discuss your concerns.
I hope these suggestions are helpful and please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns:
413-695-8456 or send me an email: h.e.advocacy@gmail.com
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