Parent Advocate & Educational Consultant

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


FASD BASICS, a 1-day workshop for parents and professionals

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a brain-based physical disability with behavioral symptoms.
The FASD BASICS workshop introduces a neurobehavioral approach to living with, caring for, and working with individuals and families impacted by FASD. It acknowledges the source of behaviors: the brain, and provides a set of research-based best practices for helping people with fetal alcohol exposure.
The audience for this workshop is parents and caregivers of people with an FASD, as well as professionals in education, social work, counseling, developmental disabilities, mental health, substance abuse, justice, and family support.
In this 1-day workshop, we will cover:
  • Facts, figures, and statistics about FASDs.
  • Diagnosis.
  • The Neurobehavioral Profile of FASD: primary and secondary characteristics
  • Suggestions for accommodations and environmental change
Friday, Feb. 7, 2020
9:00 - 4:00
MGPHPCC, 100 Bigelow St., Holyoke, MA.
This training is based on current research and writings around best practices when parenting, working with, or supporting persons with FASDs, and include many personal anecdotes, stories, and examples of positive change.
Lunch and snacks will be provided. There is no childcare for this event.
Cost: $45. Scholarships are available by emailing
About the trainer:
Adrienne Bashista is the co-founder of FAFASD and Training Director. She has been educating others about FASDs since 2013. Her focus is on FASD, its impact on families, and best practices for helping children with FASD succeed at home and at school. She is located in Massachusetts but travels throughout North America to deliver workshops and trainings.
She is a writer, special needs parent advocate, entrepreneur, and teacher. Her youngest son was diagnosed with FASD in 2011 after searching for answers for 6 years.

This workshop has changed the dynamics in our home for the better. I would recommend it to anyone who parents or has contact with a developmentally delayed child, including teachers and grandparents. ~Linda Q, Mom to 3 Special Children