Parent Advocate & Educational Consultant

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

College for Young Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Tuesday December 9th during the 9:00-10:00PM hour, New England Cable News (NECN) will air itsMaking the Grade segment on the Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment (ICE) program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities attending college.

The segment focuses on Roxbury Community College ICE student Max Pimentel and his experience fighting for educational opportunity since he was a child and the success he has achieved.

In the segment myself and Glenn Gabbard, ICE Coordinator at the Executive Office of Education, discuss the importance of the program and how families with children with disabilities can take advantage of the higher education opportunities available to them.

The ICE program allows students ages 18 to 22 who have significant disabilities and do not pass MCAS, to enroll in college classes alongside their non-disabled peers and is currently available at 10 of Massachusetts' 29 public colleges and universities.

Help spread the word by encouraging families you know to watch Making the Grade on NECN, Comcast channel 6, Tuesday night at 9PM


PS. You can also watch the segment after it airs by visiting the Making the Gradewebsite here.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


A Night of Art and Mastery of Success
MOTIVATE Students to Choose SUCCESS with Susan Fitzell
“From the time I walked into the room, I was intrigued. Susan’ s presentation style and electric personality captivates the audience - small or large, and empowers each workshop participant to become the best s/he can be!
Joy L. Tibbott, Director of Special Education

Attendees will learn how to:
  • Foster motivation at school and at home.
  • Motivate the unmotivated.
  • Strategies that empower youth to reach their
  • Techniques that make homework and studying fun!
  • Identify and teach body language that exudes confidence
We may have heard the utterance, "Today’s youth are so unmotivated!" and the good news is that there's a lot that we can do to change that. Susan will share how at this seminar.
Each attendee will also receive a 18x24 Moodz poster with instructions on how to use it to foster meaningful discussion with youth as well as access to valuable reference materials and tools related to the seminar.
Don’t Miss this Event! Join us at: 
Hatfield Elementary School
33 Main St Hatfield, MA 01038

October 23, 2014 

Fundraiser & Refreshments 6:30– 7:00 
Speaker 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Susan is a dynamic, nationally recognized presenter, author of over 10 books for teachers and parents, and an educational consultant. A mother, teacher, and martial artist. Susan has over two decades of experience identifying and meeting the needs of youth, especially those with special needs.
Contact: Susan Fitzell, M.Ed., CSP * 603-625-6087

RSVP Now! Limited Seating
Go to:
Anita Gingras, President, PTA Phone: 413-247-5010


Thursday, September 18, 2014


On Friday, September 19, 2014 at 10:30am at the Community Center in Amherst, MA behind the post office.  Ellen Story your state representative will listen to parents and professionals about the struggles of having a child with special needs.  Many families can’t get the proper services or supports because of needing finances to battle with schools. Rep. Ellen Story is willing to hear your stories. She will take your concerns and voice it on your behalf to legislators!  If , you live in this county and you can come out; please do!

The more that come out, the better chances your voices can be heard.  Empowering by families and professionals and uniting together is going to get the attention of legislators. 

For more information contact: Jan Lamberg @ (413) 536-2401

Friday, September 5, 2014

WEBINAR: Insurance Appeal Process


Autism Insurance Resource Center

Join us for a Webinar

Space is limited. To reserve your space contact,
(if you require accommodations, please let us know at least 1 week prior to the date the webinar is scheduled)

Title: "What to Do When Your Insurance says - "No"? - The Insurance Appeal Process. Presented by the Autism Insurance Resource Center and the Office of Patient Protection.
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Time: 10:00 - 11:30am
After sending in your email to register ( you will receive a confirmation email by Tuesday, September 16th containing information about how to join the webinar.
Amy K. Weinstock
Autism Insurance Resource Center

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Community Resources For People With Autism
The Hidden Curriculum
A workshop designed to introduce you to the importance of the "hidden curriculum" - the unwritten social rules and expectations of behavior that we all know but were never taught - and how a lack of these skills impacts individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

There is no fee for this training.
Workshop will be facilitated by Jason Litto, autism specialist and family support manager.
Thursday, Sept. 18th, 2014
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Berkshire County Arc Social Development Center
65 Depot Street
Dalton, MA

Snacks and Refreshments will be served

 Please register for this event by clicking on this link and filling out the RSVP form.

Friday, August 22, 2014

My Child Just Got Diagnosed -- Now What?

      Asperger's Association of New England       

When your child gets an Autism Spectrum diagnosis it's hard to know what to do first. Join other parents to learn about the most common characteristics of Autism Spectrum/Asperger Syndrome, including basic information about behavioral issues, parenting strategies, disclosure, and school concerns. This seminar is exclusively for parents, family members, and caregivers.
Presented by Nancy Schwartz, MSW
Adjunct Trainer, AANE
Nancy Schwartz is the mother of a young adult with AS and a past president of the AANE Board of Directors. She co-leads AANE's MRC/Employment Programs and Services. Nancy developed this workshop more than ten years ago to welcome families into the AANE community.

Date: September 8, 2014
Time: 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Location: AANE office, 51 Water Street, Suite 206, Watertown
Cost: $40 members (one fee for one or both parents)
        $55 nonmembers (one fee for one or both parents)

Advance registration with payment is required no later than one week before the workshop date. After the deadline, please call Karen at (617) 393-3824, ext. 10, to check workshop status/space availability.

You are a member of AANE if you have a paid membership on file. If you are unsure of your membership status, please call Karen at (617) 393-3824 ext. 10 to check. You will not be registered if you pay the incorrect fee.

No refunds or credits to attend another workshop for no-shows. No prorated/reduced fees if you cannot attend the full workshop.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) is offering an 8 week training: Parent Consultant Training Institute (PCTI) in Western MA.

DATES: Every Monday beginning September 29 2014 through November 24th  
              (no class on Columbus Day)

TIME: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 

PLACE: Berkshire County Arc (satellite location)
                65 Depot Rd
                Dalton, MA

Here is the link to the FCSN website where you can find out more about the course: as well as download the application.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact Laura Yellick at 1-800-331-0688 or at

Monday, March 24, 2014


Announcing IEP Clinics with experienced Special Education Advocates/Parent Consultants.
Concerned or confused about your child’s IEP?
Fri 3/28/14 12:30 - 3:00 in Marlborough

The Special Needs Advocacy Network is extremely excited to announce the establishment of IEP Clinics to parent and guardians attending SPaN’s 2014 School Fair. We are thrilled to be able to provide parents with the opportunity to meet with an experienced Special Education Advocate/Parent Consultant to discuss their IEP concerns. Clinics will be schedule for 50 minute sessions.

IEP Clinics start at 12:30 pm First Come First Served
Step 1: Register to attend the 2014 school Fair. (Click here to register)
Step 2: Registration for the Clinic will begin at 12:00 at our Registration Table (first come first served). To register in advance, please email
Step 3: Come prepared with your top 3 concerns, bring a copy of your child’s current IEP, recent evaluations and progress reports.

Special Education School Fair
Friday, March 28, 2014
Royal Plaza Hotel and Trade Center 181 Boston Post Road W. Marlborough, MA 01752

Parents are invited to attend the School Fair from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Special Needs Advocacy Network, Inc. P.O. Box 269 Natick, MA 01760 Phone: 508-655-7999

SPaN Advocates participating in this clinic are not necessarily attorneys. Assistance and guidance should not be taken as legal advice. All SPaN members are independent consultants and as a result SPaN does not assume responsibility for the assistance and guidance offered during this clinic, rather SPaN is simply organizing this service that you may choose to use.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Workshop for anyone wanting to start a business as an Educational Advocate/Consultant!

Legal Issues Facing the Parent Consultant
Thursday, April 10, 2014
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Schrafft Center | 529 Main Street, Ste. 1M3 
Boston, MA 02129

This seminar will cover issues pertaining to contracts, insurance, releases, liability, disclaimers, billing and time documentation.  Each attendee will leave with samples of a contract, a release form, and billing procedures, as well as an explanation of the reasoning behind each.

You may sign up via e-mail at, or by phone (978) 394-0737, but to secure your place in the class please send your $60.00 registration fee along with your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and any questions you would like to have answered by attending this seminar to:

Ellen J. Hutt, Attorney At Law
2 Clock Tower Place, Suite 525 | Maynard, Massachusetts 01754
Instructor:  Ellen J Hutt is an Attorney practicing in the areas of Special Education and Disability Law, a trained Mediator, and a parent of children with Special Needs.

Note: A limited number of scholarships are available upon request.

Special Education TRANSITION FAIR in Northampton, MA.

Northampton MA Transition Resource Fair: Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Includes panel with local employment and pre-employment providers. DDS Family Support Director, Margaret Van Gelder will discuss the department's vocational supports.

Transition Resource Fair Tuesday, March 25
Northampton High School Cafeteria
380 Elm Street, Northampton

Get all the information you need straight from experts who provide transition/adult services. All in one place! Then stay for the panel presentation to learn more about local employment service options. Margaret Van Gelder, Family Support Director of the Department of Developmental Services will discuss the new focus of the Department in regard to vocational supports.

5 - 7 p.m. -           Exhibitor Displays Resource Tables
7:15-7:25 p.m. -   Margaret Van Gelder, employment overview
7:25-8:30 p.m. -   Panel presentation of local employment and pre-employment providers.
For more information contact Donna Kushi, Family Support Specialist  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Podcast on Discipline and Behavior

Behavior, Young Children, & IEPs: A Conversation with Advocate Sandra Fitzpatrick

 I was recently interviewed by Christie White, pictured above, on the topic of Discipline and Behavior.  We discussed what to do if your child is struggling at school with behavior -- how to take the emphasis off of discipline and onto identifying the lacking skills that are manifested as "behavior."  Once we can identify the lacking skills, we can teach those skills and affect real and positive change.   To listen to the interview/podcast go to: 
Christie is an advocate located in Eastern Mass, who also trained to be an advocate with the Federation for Children with Special Needs.  Christie has also interviewed Dr. Karen Postal, a neuropsychologist and co-author of the book, Feedback That Sticks: The Art of Effectively Communicating Neuropsychological Assessment Results.  In the interview with Christie, Dr. Postal discusses the role and purpose of neuropsychological evaluations.
Please check out Christie's website for her ongoing podcasts/interviews and for various resources!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Have a Say on New Proposed Regulations on Student Discipline!

Notice Of Public Comment on 603 CMR 53.00, Student Discipline Regulations- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Education Laws and Regulations
Notice Of Public Comment on 603 CMR 53.00, Student Discipline Regulations
Pursuant to its authority under M.G.L. c. 69, § 1B, and c. 71, § 37H and 37H ¾ , and in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, M.G.L. c.30A, § 3, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) is soliciting public comment on 603 CMR 53.00, Student Discipline Regulations.
The proposed new regulations establish certain procedural requirements for student suspensions and expulsions in public and charter schools as required by Chapter 222 of the Acts of 2012, "An Act Relative to Student Access to Educational Services and Exclusion from School". The proposed new regulations will include: the minimum requirements and procedures applicable to the suspension of a student under new M.G.L. c. 71, §37 H ¾; the requirement that public schools have policies and procedures in place to ensure that all student who have been suspended, in-school or out-of-school, or expelled, have an opportunity to make academic progress during their suspension or expulsion, in accordance with new M.G.L. c. 76, §21; and the requirements for data reporting.
Copies of the regulations are available at, or by calling 781-338-6303.
Written comments on the proposed regulations may be submitted by mail to: Elizabeth Harris Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148, by fax to781-338-3399, or by e-mail to
The deadline for submission of public comment is Friday, March 7, 2014.
The Board is expected to vote on adopting the regulations as permanent regulations at its regular monthly meeting scheduled for March 25, 2014.
  603 CMR 53.00, Student Discipline Regulations

Saturday, February 15, 2014


The Parent Training and Information Center a project of the Federation for Children with Special Needs. This is our Special Education Information Survey: Tell Us About Your Child's Services
We need your help, so that we may help families.
The Parent Training and Information Center at the Federation for Children with Special Needs is interested in learning about your experiences with special education in Massachusetts.  We are conducting an assessment of the training and information needs of parents and families.  This information will assist us in planning and creating activities that will more effectively serve families. If you have more than one child that you support, please fill out the survey for each child and submit it to us by February 28, 2014. Many Thanks!

Friday, February 7, 2014


Federation for Children with Special Needs conference

Early Bird Registration extended through February 16th!

After February 16 the participant fee will increase from $75 to $90. 
Visions of Community, a Conference for Parents of Children with Special Needs and the Professionals Who Serve Them” will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2014 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. Topics include special education advocacy, managing challenging behaviors, transition to adulthood for students with disabilities, inclusion, policy initiatives, assistive technology, healthcare, bullying, parent leadership opportunities, early childhood, autism and more. In addition to approximately 30 sessions in English, a full conference strand of many of these topics will be offered in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Somali, and Vietnamese.
Transportation is being offered FREE.
The Western MA location for pick up is 
11 Wilbraham Rd, Spfld
You must indicate you are requesting transportion on you registration form.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Federation-color 2                                                        40th_logo 2
Dear Friend,

The Federation has an exciting opportunity to share with you! Do you subscribe to the Boston Globe? If so, you have the unique opportunity to help the Federation! 

The Boston Globe has mailed vouchers to each of their subscribers and are asking them to return the voucher with the name of their favorite Massachusetts non-profit on it. Seven-day newspaper subscribers' vouchers are valued at $100; all other subscribers (including website-only readers) have been sent vouchers valued at $50.  Learn more about the program!

The organizations with the most donations will receive free advertising in The Boston Globe. Please send in your vouchers and vote for the Federation! Free advertising in the Boston Globe would enable us to reach and support more families who have children with special needs!

Thank you!
rich signature                                 
Richard J. Robison                                                    
Executive Director                              

Monday, January 20, 2014

Urge Your Congressional Rep. to Support House Resolution on Dyslexia, #456

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity congratulates Rep. Bill Cassidy for the House Resolution on Dyslexia (H.Res. 456, 113th Congress), at long last, recognizing that dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty that has profound educational implications.

Rep. Cassidy's resolution represents a giant step forward for everyone and anyone who cares about dyslexia - parents, teachers, dyslexic children and adults. Science has progressed in bringing understanding and clarity to dyslexia. This Resolution now calls for educators and testing agencies to catch up and put this powerful knowledge to work so that affected children and their families, and our entire nation may benefit. For too long, parents have had to endure watching their child struggle, often year after year, with every sign of dyslexia, with (if they could afford it) reports confirming the diagnosis, only to be denied recognition and services. Children confused, thinking they are not capable, lose self-esteem and give up on themselves and their futures. 

Rep. Cassidy's Resolution recognizes each major element of dyslexia, its:  high prevalence (1 in 5);  cognitive and neurobiological bases; unexpected nature; persistence; and critically, its profound impact on education and the critical need for action by schools. Dyslexia impacts your child's education and can be properly and successfully addressed by schools. There is no excuse not to, our children and our nation's futures are at stake. Schools must take their heads out of the ground and look up - to science and morality - and move forward.

Rep. Cassidy gets it; the Bipartisan Dyslexia Caucus which he co-founded was a major step forward and now the Dyslexia Resolution brings light and understanding and we hope action to ensuring that children who are dyslexic receive the understanding and evidence-based programs and accommodations that they deserve and require. We urge all who care to contact your Congressional representative and urge him or her to support this resolution. Please act now - find your rep here:
You can make a difference!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

FCSN ANNUAL WORKSHOP: Vision of Community 2014

Visions of Community 2014
A Conference for Families of Children with Special Needs
and the Professionals Who Serve Them
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Seaport World Trade Center - Boston


The Federation is pleased to announce its annual statewide conference "Visions of Community, a Conference for Parents of Children with Special Needs and the Professionals Who Serve Them" will be held on Saturday, March 8 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston.

Two keynote presentations for Visions of Community will feature Michael K. Yudin, Acting Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services for the US Department of Education and Dana and Brooke Yarbrough. Dana is the Executive Director of Parent to Parent of Virginia. Her daughter Brooke operates Brooke's Happy Tails Dog Boarding, a microenterprise she started in 2012.

Breakout workshops at Visions of Community will include topics on special education advocacy, managing challenging behaviors, transition to adulthood for students with disabilities, inclusion, policy initiatives, assistive technology, healthcare, bullying, parent leadership opportunities, early childhood, autism and more. In addition to approximately 30 sessions in English, a full conference strand of many of these topics will be offered in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Somali, and Vietnamese.

The conference Exhibit Hall typically features over 75 vendors and resources for families. The conference is a wonderful opportunity for families and professionals to network and learn about important resources.

Please use this link for more information about the conference:

Community Partnership Awards
Each year the Federation for Children with Special Needs presents Community Partnership Awards to individuals in Massachusetts who have successfully promoted an inclusive environment in their community at our Visions of Community conference. Do you know a parent, student, teacher, administrator, health provider, coach, neighbor or other individual who has worked to create and support the inclusion of individuals with disabilities, those at-risk, or those who face cultural or linguistic barriers, in your school, health care or other place in the community? Nominate a person who has made a difference for a Community Partnership Award!
The Federation will present its 2014 Community Partnership Awards at the Visions of Community Conference to be heldSaturday March 8, 2014 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston.

Community Partnership Award Nomination Form (

Keynote Speakers
Michael K. Yudin

[yudin] Michael K. Yudin is the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) at the U.S. Department of Education. He serves as the principal adviser to the Secretary on matters related to the education of children and youth with disabilities, as well as employment and community living for youth and adults with disabilities. The mission of his office is to provide leadership to achieve full integration and participation in society of people with disabilities by promoting inclusion, ensuring equity, and creating opportunities for people with disabilities.

Dana Yarbrough

[dana] Dana Yarbrough, a native of Massachusetts, is the mother of 19-year-old daughter Brooke, who has physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities. Brooke lives in Richmond, Virginia where she operates Brooke's Happy Tails Dog Boarding, a microenterprise she started in 2012 one month after graduating with an IEP Diploma from Varina High School. Dana is the Executive Director of Parent to Parent of Virginia and serves as the program leader for family support and self-advocacy projects at the Partnership for People with Disabilities located at Virginia Commonwealth University. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice, a Masters Degree in Non-Profit Leadership, and in May will earn a Masters Degree in Transition Secondary Special Education from The George Washington University.

Brooke Yarbrough

[brooke] Brooke is a 19 year-old young woman who has physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities. The Yarbrough family has an entrepreneurial spirit and Brooke has followed in those footsteps by opening her own business one month after graduating with an IEP Diploma from Varina High School in Richmond, Virginia.


This year we are pleased to offer 45 topical workshops in 6 different languages. A limited number of English workshops will be interpreted if requested by February 7th. Here are the workshops that will be presented by session: